Prof Cert in Art & Design Research

The Professional Certificate in Art & Design Research is one of several of programmes offered by the School of Visual Culture at NCAD to suitably qualified research students registered in any of the four schools at NCAD and to learners via the Creative Futures Academy (CFA).

The CFA offers a wide range of short and long courses leading to a range of awards from professional certificates to full Masters programmes.They are designed to support future, early and mid-career creative professionals to acquire skills and understanding that will serve their professional needs and provide opportunities to undertake further level 8 and 9 learning.Learners may take CFA courses to deepen their professional and intellectual competencies or develop new ones.All NCAD CFA programmes recognise the changing technical, social and economic contexts in which art, design and allied fields are practiced.As such, they offer opportunities to learners to engage with new thinking and approaches to practice.All CFA programmes benefit from guidance offered by an Industry Council formed by representatives of professional bodies in diverse art, design and cultural fields.

The CFA is a space for learners to learn, to network and to allow new ideas to influence and shape our future.

The programme aims to:

  • Provide participants with an introduction to key methods in art and design research.
  • Provide a context for critical reflection and the development of their own approaches in relation to planned or actual research projects and that of their peers.

Programme Specification and Module Descriptor

Click here for the programme specification.

The programme is made up of one module: PGCFAV1005 Introduction to Research Methods for Art & Design. 

Click here for the module descriptor.