Regardless of which programme of study you choose, working towards a degree in NCAD means developing your own visual language and your own contribution to our visual culture. You will be challenged intellectually and creatively, we believe you learn as much from your peers as from your tutors and lecturers and that art is a collaborative activity.
NCAD has a wide range of undergraduate degree pathways in Design, Fine Art, Education and Visual Culture (History of Art & Design).
For more information on the latest updates at NCAD, upload our What's New PDF here.
Download NCAD Prospectus
You can sign up to our Undergraduate mailing list here to keep up to date with all the latest information on making your application.
The CAO Application Deadline is 5pm on 1st February.
Portfolio Submissions are due by 5pm on 7th February. We strongly recommend you submit your portfolio in advance of this deadline to avoid any technical problems.
Apply here - Portfolio Submission Platform
Here you will find resources and help on applying for a Full Time Undergraduate Programme in NCAD
View NCAD Open
First Year
First Year Art & Design is the common first year for all undergraduate studio based degrees at NCAD.
View First Year
At NCAD we encourage our design students to create visions and identities that are both innovative and sustainable. We are not just educating problem solvers but also opportunity seekers.
View Design
Fine Art
Seeing the world anew, placing the accepted and unquestioned into a different light, exploring the boundaries between the private and public sphere, between the individual and society - doing it visually.
View Fine Art
The degree programme in Education fosters interest in the arts, motivating and challenging students to achieve their creative potential and contribute to the life and vibrancy of our visual culture.
View Education
Visual Culture
The undergraduate Degree in Visual Culture offers you an opportunity to study the history and theory of art, design, fashion and film, as well as the latest forms of new media and digital culture.
View Visual Culture