Academic & Student Affairs Registration/Regulation and Examinations

Academic & Student Affairs looks after all student related services including Admissions, Registrations, Fees and Examinations. Please follow the links below for information on the area you are interested in.

NCAD Student Handbook 

Click the image to download the handbook

The Student Information Desk

Staff at the Student Information Desk are available on Campus each day. We can help with issuing letters, scheduling Medical Appointments, replacement Student Cards or other queries that might pop up for you. We're located on the concourse just behind the stairs down to The Goodies.

Contact us on
01 636 4200 (Or you can email us to request a call back)

Opening Hours
Term Time
: Monday to Friday 11:00- 13:00 & 14:00 - 16:00
Summer Time: Monday to Friday 11:00 - 13:00
Closed on Bank Holidays

Looking for some help? Have a question?


How we can help

Website Link


Fees & Grants

Information on Fees, Grants, our Fee Policy as well as relevant deadlines


Admissions take care of all applications for all courses. 

The CEAD office deals with all of our summer and autumn evening courses.

01 636 4214


The Registrations team can help with registering for your course at the start of the Academic Year. We're available from August-October each year

Student Records

Information on Course Transfer, Time Out requests, Change of Address and Student Transcripts.


Information on Procedures & Policies as well as exam results and relevant dates

Anything else?

NCAD Academic Calendar

Student Academic Calendar

Student Academic Calendar list


NCAD Policies & Procedures


Academic & Student Affairs Staff