Financial Advice and Support

Studying at College can be financially challenging. If you need financial advice or help, NCAD has a range of supports available.

Student Assistance Fund

The Student Assistance Fund is available to students experiencing particular or unexpected financial hardship during the course of their study. This may be as a result of family breakdown, bereavement, accidents, health problems or other crises that result in unexpected financial difficulty. You can apply for help with the cost of rent, travel, books and art materials, utilities and other unexpected financial hardships. Payment to successful applicants will be made once per round - there are 3 rounds for the academic year 2023/2024 with Round 3 being the last and final round.

The Student Assistance Fund Round 3 is now open and applications can be made here.

The deadline for the SAF was extended to May 28th 2024 at 5pm.

Who can apply?

All full-time or part time registered students (undergraduate and postgraduate) for the  2023/24 academic year are eligible to apply for assistance from the Student Assistance Fund.

What can the award be used for? 

Students can apply under one of the following categories for assistance from the fund:

  • Books and Materials
  • Rental Expenses
  • Electricity & Gas Bills
  • Transport or Compulsory Transport Abroad
  • Medical Expenses (Doctor/Dentist/Etc)
  • Unexpected financial hardship (eg. Bereavement)

What documents will I need to provide?

Documents you may be requested to provide are:

  • Copy of SUSI grant awarding letter
  • Copy of your means tested social welfare payment (and/or that of your parent/guardian/spouse/partner)
  • Receipts for travel, materials, utility bills, medical expenses, etc.
  • Rent Book or Lease Agreement
  • To prove household income a student may provide a copy of their parents P60 or P21
  • If applying for Childcare Support, a copy of the birth certificate of the child/children and a letter from the childcare provider (nursery/creche) confirming that your child attends the provider and this statement should detail the monthly amount for each child within the current academic year.

How long will the process take and how will I be notified?

Applications may take up to six weeks after closing date to process. You will receive an email to your student email address stating the outcome of your application.

Further queries?

Feel free to contact us if you have any further queries on the Student Assistance Fund at

Childcare Support Fund

The purpose of the Childcare Support Fund is to provide assistance towards the cost of childcare (nursery, crèche etc) for children of full-time students at NCAD, whose ability to participate in education may be adversely affected by childcare responsibilities.

Payment to successful applicants will be made in two instalments across the academic year. The College does not have a crèche so it is necessary for students with children to make their own arrangements.

For further information and application forms for this fund, please contact the Access Officer at the beginning of Trimester 1:

The 1916 Bursary


Applications for the 1916 Bursary 2023/2024 are now closed.

What is the 1916 Bursary?

The 1916 Bursary is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and aims to encourage participation and success by students who are most socio-economically disadvantaged and from groups most under-represented in higher education.

Am I eligible?

Interested applicants to the 1916 Bursary Fund should check the application criteria on The 1916 Bursary Website and can use the criteria quick check prior to commencing their application.

How much is the 1916 Bursary worth?

Tier 1: €5,000 per annum. In 2023/24, Tier 1 Bursaries will be awarded to a total of 400 new entrant undergraduate students for the duration of their studies.

Tier 2: €2,000 per annum. In 2023/24, Tier 2 Bursaries were awarded to a total of 200 new entrant undergraduate students for the duration of their studies. Tier 2 Bursaries will be awarded to applicants who meet the criteria for the 1916 Bursary but who did not ultimately qualify for a Tier 1 bursary.

Tier 3: Once-Off Bursary (€1,500 payable for 2023/24 academic year only). The number of Tier 3 bursaries is to be determined based on existing underspends in the system from 2022/23 and the remaining balance after continuing (including postgraduate) bursaries have been allocated for 2023/24

Tier 1 and 2 bursaries will also be paid as students’ progress into postgraduate study. This means that students already in receipt of a 1916 Bursary and who are completing their undergraduate studies will be entitled to continue to receive their bursary for postgraduate study.

For further information on how the 1916 Bursary is managed, please see the HEAPATH 2 Guidelines

If I am unsuccessful, can I appeal?

Yes. Full details on making an appeal will be provided to all applicants who are initially unsuccessful in their applications. 

If you have any further questions please contact

1916 Bursary Privacy Notice 

NCAD Laptop Loan Scheme

The Laptop Loan Scheme will reopen in September 2024.

The NCAD Laptop Loan scheme is available to you this academic year if you need to borrow a laptop for your studies and are not able to finance it. Please note there are a limited number of laptops available through the scheme.

Who can apply?

Application Form

Full-time and part-time students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) are eligible to apply for a laptop under this scheme. This scheme covers both incoming first year students and returning students. To be eligible for a laptop you must be registered as a student in 2023-2024 and be from a low income household, this is an annual income below €49,840.

Supporting documentation must be provided to be considered for this scheme. Your application will be assessed on your eligibility, and on the information you provide in the final question of this application. Laptops remain the property of NCAD and must be returned on completion of your course.

SUSI/Maintenance Grants

All queries regarding maintenance grants should be directed to the SUSI Support Desk.

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00am – 5.30pm), excluding public holidays.


Phone: 0818 888 777 or +353 1 524 2257 if calling from abroad

Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is the only free, confidential, independent and non-judgemental service for people in debt, or in danger of getting into debt, in Ireland. 

Their helpline 0761 07 2000 operates Monday to Friday from 9am - 8pm.  MABS is funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board.

Consumer Help

This website provides excellent advice on managing your finances as well as an online budget planner.