Supporting Student Learning
The number of students with disabilities has increased at NCAD and as a college community we need to become aware of the types of disabilities and how they may impact on the students learning and participation in college life.
The Student Learning Support Tutor and Assistive Technology Technician provide supports to students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties who are registered with the Access Service.
Procedure for registering students with the Access Service:
Students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties (eg: Dylsexia) are encouraged to register with the Access Service in NCAD to seek supports where the disability could affect their ability to participate fully in all aspects of their life in College. All students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties who register with the Access Service have an individual needs assessment with the Learning Support Tutor to determine the supports they require. Following the Needs Assessment, the service generates a Profile of Needs Summary (PONS). This outlines a student’s disability or specific learning difficulty and how it affects their learning. The PONS report identifies supports and reasonable accommodations to which the student is entitled. The Access Service may recommend and implement other supports for students such as assistive technology, library special borrowing privileges, and examination accommodations.
The student must fully complete the registration process and give their consent before their PONS will be issued to their Department. PONS files are issued to Heads and Secretaries of Departments and it is their responsibility to ensure that all relevant staff are made aware of any student who has a PONS on file. Student confidentiality should be maintained at all times and staff should only be informed on a ‘need to know’ basis.
This information for academic and department staff section includes:
• Teaching Students with Disabilities: Guidelines for Academic Staff (DAWN: Disability Advisors Workers Network)
• Policy, Guidelines and Procedures for the Granting of Reasonable Accommodations to Students with Disabilities (DAWN)
• AHEAD Good Practice Guidelines
• A Guide For Lecturers: Everything you wanted to know about Reasonable Accommodations and supporting students with disabilities but nobody bothered to tell you....
• Mental Health Matters: Mapping Best Practices in Higher Education
• Clear Print Guidelines for Students with Dyslexia
• Student Learning Support Service Poster
• Supporting Students Experiencing Mental Health Difficulties
For further information please contact Finola Mc Ternan, Access Officer,