CEAD University Certificate in Drawing and Visual Investigation

The University Certificate in Drawing and Visual Investigation (DVI) part-time course offers students an opportunity to explore ideas and develop skills essential to contemporary fine art studio practice.

Award University Certificate in Drawing and Visual Investigation
Credits Level 30 ECTS, Level 7 NFQ
Admission Requirements Age 21 before January 2024, Irish Leaving Certificate or equivalent, English proficiency, a foundational, introductory, non credit, art or design course, a short Statement of Interest and a completed application form
Portfolio Not required
Duration 27 weeks autumn to spring,
2 x evenings per week
Fee 2024-2025 €1,800 payable in two installments, September and January
Programme Code AD095 
Application Deadline 5 August 2024

Watch the DVI Presentation Below

Statement of Interest

Please write a Statement of Interest (200 word approximately), as part of your application on why you want to study the University Certificate in Drawing and Visual Investigation. Save the file as a PDF. Title the PDF, and also include on the top of your Statement of Interest, your name, course code and the year of application, example, Joe Bloggs, AD095 2024. For notes on writing your Statement of Interest Click Here.

Application Notes

Bookings to be made in the student name and details only
Bookings are online only
If you have been at NCAD previously sign in to your MyNCAD account
To reset your password contact studentrecords@student.ncad.ie and include your name, date of birth and 8 digit student ID/reference number
First time NCAD students click below to apply, then select New Account & keep your password safe
Please note that all students are required to have access to a computerInternet and be familar with Canvas (Canvas is a college information system and its easy)
Classes start week of 16th September 2024
DVI classes run 6.15pm to 9pm

To Apply for Drawing and Visual Investigation Click Here

About the DVI Certificate

This one year certificate course is for mature students age 21 before January of the year their studies start who are interested in participating in a challenging learning opportunity in visual art and studio practice. The course is designed to meet the needs of students who have already demonstrated a commitment to their own art and design education and who wish to develop their knowledge in this field as a form of personal or professional development.  Drawing and Visual Investigation is concerned with conceptual approaches to drawing as well as developing student direct observation, practical skills and visual analysis. Students completing the programme and achieving the learning outcomes are eligible to apply to the part-time Higher Diploma in Art.

AD095 DVI Modules

Code Module Name  Credits Semester
6.15 to 9pm 
CEAD1020 Materials and Experimentation Studio 1 1 Tuesday & Thursday
CEAD1021 Processes and Practice Studio 1 1 Tuesday & Thursday
CEAD1001 Theories and Concepts in Critical Cultures 1 Tuesday & Thursday
CEAD1022 Ideas & Concepts Studio 2 10 2 Tuesday & Friday
CEAD1002 Professional Practice 1 5 2 Tuesday & Friday

AD095 DVI Programme Specification

DVI Tutors

Helen Killane Course Coordinator
Fiona Loughnane Visual Culture
Sarah Edmondson

DVI Progression

A key pillar of CEAD programmes is Progression within art and design education. On successful completion of the Drawing and Visual Investigation certificate, students are eligible to apply to the part-time Higher Diploma in Art. Higher Diploma in Art graduates are then eligible to apply, via advanced entry, to the final year of NCAD's undergraduate BA Degree studies.

More Information

Email cead@ncad.ie
Tel + 353 1 636 4214
Instagram @cead.ncad
Twitter @cead_ncad

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