Portfolio Preparation

Summer 2024 Programme 

Applications for Summer 2024 Free Places are Now Closed

The summer 2024 three-week course is designed to assist students in developing a portfolio for entry to third level art and design education. It will run from 24th June to 11th July, 2024, 10am to 4pm. Free places on this course are available to students who are eligible for the I Can Teach programme which aims to increase the number of under-represented groups in art teacher training courses.

Who is eligible to apply for this opportunity? 
This opportunity is open to applicants who wish to become art teachers from the following groups
  • Individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds or a community from where there is a low progression to higher education
  • People with disabilities
  • Mature
  • First to college
  • Lone parents
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Members of the traveller community
  • Students who attend DEIS band schools
This course is suitable for anyone preparing a portfolio for applying to third level art and design colleges. Portfolio preparation focuses on the development of visual ideas and skills leading to the creation of your portfolio. Emphasis will be placed on the development of drawing and observational skills through studio and location work. Students will undertake personal projects outside of course hours and these will be discussed each day. Delivered by tutors skilled and experienced in portfolio preparation, this course is part of the CEAD Summer Programme.  To find out more course information  CLICK HERE or contact icanteach@staff.ncad.ie
If you would like to make an application for a Free Place on the Portfolio Preparation course Summer 2025, please check this page, around April 2025.
The I Can Teach free places on NCAD's Portfolio Preparation course are funded by the HEA (Higher Education Authority), as part of the PATH 1 (Programme for Access to Higher Education), which is committed to increasing participation by under-represented groups in higher education.