Career Guidance

The NCAD Careers Service aims to equip students with the skills, resources and confidence to independently manage their creative careers. The service is available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (September - June) to support students and recent graduates with their career needs.

Careers Service News:

We are delighted to share that the NCAD Alumni Stories and the recently launched Motivational Monday series have been shortlisted for the Association of Higher Education Career Services Strategic Innovation Employability Awards 2024.
The #NCADAlumni series was launched by Derek McGarry in 2020 and 120+ stories later continue to inspire students, graduates and our broader NCAD community.
Congratulations to Derek, Anna Greene, Elena Quintana and Illustration graduate Tara Lynch, who have contributed to the #MotivationalMonday communications and design.
Thank you to all our NCAD alumni who have generously contributed to the Alumni Stories interview series over the last four years.
We are looking forward to the Awards on 25 April!

Contacting the Careers Service:

For general career queries or to share an opportunity or resource for our Careers Newsletter, email

Student Services:

Student in-person or zoom appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time and can be booked through the online appointment calendar here. Appointments are 30 minutes in duration. Please complete this short form when booking, and upload your CV, cover letter and job description (optional) or email 

Career sessions will be scheduled on campus and over zoom (for graduates) over the academic year will follow the below themes. Keep an eye on the Careers Service Newsletters for details:

  • Career Basics - Writing your CV & Cover Letter (in person, October & February)
  • Promoting your Profile - LinkedIn Profile / Interview Preparation (in person, November & March)
  • Learning - LinkedIn Learning / Community Experiences (in person, December & April) 
  • Well-being and Inspiration - Resource sharing (newsletter, January & May)

Graduate Services:

Graduates can avail of the Careers Service for 12 months following graduation, please complete the booking form here or follow the QR code below.


Careers Resources

Careers Service Information Session Recordings:

CV & Cover Letter Writing, Interview Preparation, Rock Your LinkedIn Profile

Alumni Stories & Motivational Monday Series

Graduate Careers - General

Creative CV Guide

Careers Portal

gradireland > Careers advice


Prospects > Skills quiz

Public Jobs

Virtual interview warmup

Graduate Careers - Creative

Animation Ireland

Arts Council / Funding

Arts Management Ireland

Arts + Health 

Careers in Screen

Community Arts Partnership

Creative Careers

Creative Futures Academy

Creative Ireland

Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet

Design Week Jobs


FLOW Career Path

iIllustrators Ireland


Screen Ireland

Teaching Council

The New Now - Graduate Portfolio Platform

Visual Artists Ireland

Business Guidance & Support

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Employability Support

Ahead Ireland

Employability Skills for Autistic Students and Graduates

gradireland > LGBT candidates and interview success


NCAD Alumni Stories

Design & Crafts Council Ireland - Podcast Series: Design your Life

Design Ireland

Expand your Horizons

Further training/courses

Central Application Office (CAO)

Creative Futures Academy

Gradireland > Further study


Travel, volunteering, further education and training opportunities


gradireland > How to find a job in the United States


Go Eco

Prospects > Working abroad

USIT > Grad Visa USA



Age & Opportunity

Volunteer Ireland