Submitting Your Portfolio

Applied to First Year NCAD? Portfolio finished? Now you just need to submit your portfolio by the February deadline. Portfolio submissions for 2025 are open. You must apply by 5pm on Friday 7 February and we recommend you apply early to avoid technical difficulties.

Click on the image below to submit your portfolio.

How Do I Submit my Portfolio?

Step 1 - Make your application

  • You must make an application to NCAD before you can make a portfolio submission.
  • For Irish, UK, EU, EFTA applicants you make your application online via the Central Applications Office (CAO).
  • If you are applying from outside of these countries you must make your application directly to NCAD via our website here

Step 2 - Register on the Portfolio Submission Platform

When registering for the Platform you will be asked to provide

  • your name
  • your email address (use the same email address you used when making your application)
  • your phone number 

Step 3 - Upload Your Portfolio Material to the Portfolio Submission Platform

  • The Platform will provide you with detailed instructions along the way.
  • You can save your progress and log out as many times as you like. 
  • You must make a Portfolio Submission for each course you have applied for. 
  • You will be asked to provide your application reference number.
    • If you have applied through CAO make sure to add your CAO number here. 
    • If you are an International Student and have applied via NCAD's website then you can include your application reference number included in your confirmation email. 

Video Guide on how to submit a Portfolio 

What Happens After I submit?

  • NCAD will notify you via email of the result of your portfolio review by email. This will be in May. 
  • Offers are made in August through the CAO. All applicants are placed on a ranked list based on portfolio score. Offers are made in descending order from this list to applicants who have met the minimum academic entry requirements.


  • NCAD can only accept submissions that have been uploaded online through the NCAD Portfolio Submission Platform. 

Please feel free to contact us at the NCAD Admissions Office if you would like more information on the portfolio submission process, at

Key Dates and Deadlines

Course Application Deadline Portfolio Submission Deadline
AD101 Common Entry  1st February 7th February by 5pm
AD102 Graphic Design/Moving Image Design 1st February 7th Febuary by 5pm
AD103 Textiles and Jewellery & Objects  1st February 7th February by 5pm
AD104 Fine Art and Applied Art  1st February 7th February by 5pm
AD202 Education & Art or Design  1st February  7th February by 5pm
AD211 Fashion Design 1st February 7th February by 5pm
AD217 Illustration 1st February 7th February by 5pm
AD212 Product Design ** 1st February  7th February by 5pm
AD222 Interaction Design ** 1st February  7th February by 5pm

*Please do not leave your portfolio upload to the last day in case you encounter any technical issue as we will not be able to help if your portfolio was not uploaded within the time parameters. 

 **AD212 Product Design and AD222 Interaction Design  are not restricted but do require a portfolio submission. You can add them to your application if the CAO is open.
If you make a late application the Admissions Office will contact you to arrange portfolio submission.