Professional Master in Education (Art & Design) - AD459

The programme deals with the theory and practice of art, craft and design education at post-primary level. It develops the student teacher's understanding of the ways in which art, craft and design experiences can be used to promote the aesthetic, intellectual, personal and social development of young people. The priority deadline for applications is 19 February 2025. This is a full-time, 2-year programme. Successful applicants must pay a €500 on-refundable deposit within 10 working days of receiving the offer in order to secure their place.

Register for Information Webinar:

Join us for the PME Art & Design Postgrad Futures Week 2025 information webinar at 6pm on Wednesday 12 February

This 45-minute, free webinar with Dr Fiona King will discuss what studying for a Professional Masters of Education Art & Design entails, who should apply, and what makes a good application

Change Labs at NCAD



What to Expect

The Professional Master of Education (PME) is a two year masters programme that leads to a professional qualification to teach Art and Design at second level. The award is professionally accredited by the Teaching Council of Ireland. The masters programme will enable you as an art or design graduate, to apply your practice in a professional teaching context. On completion of the PME you will have developed an integrated understanding and appreciation of the unique qualities of an art and design education. Specifically, you will have achieved the capacity to perform as an educator in a variety of settings and contexts particularly at second-level.

The focus of the PME is on the application of your own art and design practices, insights and modes of learning to the requirements of teaching. The PME aims to facilitate your personal, social, intellectual and practical growth, prepare you for a professional career as a teacher and foster the necessary skills and dispositions of research, analysis, evaluation and critique to enable you to become a reflective practitioner.

The two-year Professional Master of Education (PME) programme has three interconnected pillars: School Placement, Foundation/Professional Studies, and Subject Discipline/Visual Arts Pedagogy. In Year 1 you are given both a theoretical and a practical understanding of key processes of teaching and learning. The School of Education operates on the principle that art teacher education is not centrally concerned with the teaching of art or teaching about art but, rather, is expressly committed to teaching through art. There is a particular emphasis throughout the programme on exploring a range of visual art processes and contemporary art practice through practical workshops in a studio setting.

Over the process of the programme student teachers will critically map their work, as educators and artists, on to the current pedagogical shifts in art and design curriculum reform taking place in post primary education. You are introduced to influential traditions of practice in teaching and classroom management. You also undertake teaching practice in a school where you will develop the knowledge, teaching skills and attitudes needed for effective teaching. This is supported by college tutorials and support teaching. In an extended placement in Year 2, the emphasis is on more autonomous learning, and you will be encouraged to take up a visible and active role in the full life of the host school. Key requirements in Year 2 are an Action Research project and an Arts Based Research project, which you will undertake with college support.

Watch our Postgrad Futures Week 2024 Webinar Here!



1. Is my undergraduate degree suitable for application to the Professional Master of Education?

It is advisable to check that the undergraduate degree you are studying, or have completed, meets the Teaching Council Curricular Subject Requirements to teach the subject of Art at post primary level.

Below is what the Curricular Subject Requirements document states for Art. It is important to note that your undergraduate degree must include the study of the areas mentioned in point 3. 

Art (Including Crafts) 

In order to meet the registration requirements set down in the Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations in respect of the curricular subject of Art (including crafts) an applicant must meet all of the following criteria.


(a) Applicants must hold a degree-level qualification, with Art (Including Crafts) studied up to and including third year level or higher (or modular equivalent). 

(b) The qualifying degree must be equivalent to at least Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and with a minimum pass result in all examinations pertinent to the subject of Art (Including Crafts). 

(c) The qualifying degree must carry at least 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits (or equivalent) with the specific study of Art (Including Crafts) comprising at least 60 ECTS credits (or equivalent). 


The study of Art (Including Crafts) during the qualification must show that the holder has acquired sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding to teach the Art (Including Crafts) syllabus/specification to the highest level in post-primary education (see 


To meet this requirement the degree must include the study of all of the following: 

(a) Drawing, 2D and 3D Visual Studies in Art/Craft/Design 

(b) Media 

(c) Art/Design History and Critical Studies/Visual Cultural Studies  


2. Am I in college every day?

Yes. The PME programme is an intensive full-time course. Students will be expected to attend classes or teaching placement every day, Monday to Friday, during term times.


3. Do I need teaching experience in order to apply?

Teaching experience is certainly very beneficial but we consider any work with young people beyond formal education settings, such as secondary school, as relevant experience.  We would recommend that if you are considering teaching you seek experience giving art workshops, helping in a school environment, or volunteering to help with activities that involve training or supervising young people.  This will help you understand if teaching is the right path for you and provide you with helpful experience.


4. What information should I include in my Statement of Interest?

Indicate which aspects of the art curriculum and the educational practices that especially interest you, and outline your views on current issues on art and design education within second-level schools.

Statements should also refer to the most enjoyable aspects of your own education and what motivates you to pursue a career in education. Your statement of interest should not exceed more than a 500-word count.


5. Can I choose my placement school?

School of Education staff organise your school placements.  You must do school placement in two different schools. You remain with the same school for the duration of the academic year. We advise there be some variety in these schools, by school type, management structure, gender or context. You may do one school placement in the school you attended at second level.


6. How many pieces should I include in my portfolio?

Please note that a portfolio will only be requested if you are invited to interview for the programme.

Your portfolio should not exceed 10 pieces, as any work over the required amount will not be viewed.


7. What type of material should I include in my portfolio?

Your digital portfolio should contain a balanced selection of your most recent work, 10 pieces in total. This should include evidence of images of sketchbooks, development of ideas and process, photographs of any three-dimensional work. These can be presented as a selection of images on google slides or PDF. Any teaching projects can be documented through digital photographs including a synopsis of the aims and objectives of the projects. Only 10 pieces of work will be viewed so it is important that you are selective in your choice of work. 

Please make sure that your file is a suitable size that can be easily accessed for review. If your file size is too big and cannot be accessed, it will not be reviewed.


8. Will I be qualified to teach abroad with this PME?

Yes, it is possible to teach abroad with this degree. However, of course, this will be at the discretion of the school you apply to.


9. Will I be qualified to teach both at second level and third level institutions with this PME?

On successful completion of the PME programme you will register as a teacher of art and design with the Teaching Council of Ireland.

Graduates of the programme are qualified to take up positions as second level art teachers in Ireland and across the world, as school principals and deputy-principals, as museum curators, youth workers, arts officers, artists in residence in primary and secondary schools, independent art education consultants and as researchers in art education.

Of course, whether your degree is deemed suitable for a position or not is at the discretion of the hiring institution / organisation.

Some graduates may find work in the further education sector including ETBs, and non-traditional education settings, but the PME is not a recognised qualification for teaching at third level.

10. Do I need to be Garda vetted to study on this programme? 

Students must have Garda clearance through state vetting procedures before being placed in schools or other educational settings. Each student is responsible for their own Garda clearance and presenting it to host schools on request.

A member of the team at NCAD will contact you near the time of registration to provide you with information about Garda vetting. It is very important that you respond to this in an urgent matter to get your vetting completed. 

Educational Standard

Applicants for the Professional Master in Education (Art & Design) should hold a level 8 degree or equivalent in art and/or design recognised by the Registration Council for Secondary Teachers of the Department of Education and Science in Ireland.  The applicant must have received a minimum of a pass in each examination and a 2.2 or higher overall. The degree should include credits in the following 

a) Drawing, 2D and 3D Visual Studies in Art/Craft/Design

b) Media

c) Art/Design History and Critical Studies/Visual Cultural Studies

Applicants will also be required to complete Irish Teaching Council Subject Declaration form. The form is included in the link below. More information can be found at the Teaching Council website

Applicants who do not meet the minimum academic entry requirements may be considered on the basis of prior work or learning experience (RPEL). Candidates may be required to pass a qualifying examination set by the relevant department before being accepted to a Masters degree programme. Attendance at selected undergraduate lecture courses at NCAD, together with related written work may be prescribed. 

You may apply for the programme if you are currently completing your Undergraduate Degree. NCAD will review the rest of your application If necessary, we can make you a Conditional Offer. When your degree is completed and you send us final transcripts we will upgrade this to a Full Offer

All applicants will be Garda vetted.

Essential Supporting Documents

  • A Statement of Interest

    • Statements should refer to the most enjoyable aspects of your own education.

    • Indicate which aspects of education policy and practice especially interest you and outline your views on current issues on art and design education within second-level schools.

  • A recent CV

  • Certified transcripts of previous programmes followed

  • Certified copies of degree/ certificates and/or other appropriate third level qualifications bearing the official stamp of the institution.

  • Academic Reference (Head of School/Department preferred), or if you graduated more than 4 years' ago please submit an employer reference instead

    • Some referees prefer to submit the reference directly to the college. If this is the case, please instruct your referee to email a standard reference to Please make sure all references contain the letterhead and the institution contact email address for the referee, as well as their job title

  • Subject Declaration Form-Please complete this form online. Download it as a PDF and add it to your application along with other supporting documents. Alternatively, you can email it as a PDF to Please click here to complete the form

In order to start school placement, it is necessary to be Garda vetted.  Please do not delay completing these forms once they have been sent to you. 

See also Teaching Council Information

Document Description

When uploading documents please make sure you clearly label them using the Description Box like in the example below 


You will not be asked to supply your portfolio until all of the other documents have been received and have been reviewed.  Only those who are called for interview are asked to submit a portfolio.  Therefore we do not ask you to submit it when making your application. 

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English Language Requirements

All programmes in NCAD are taught through English. International Applicants are asked to provide proof of their English Language Proficiency.

Full details of acceptable tests and the standard required can be found at the following link English Language Requirement.

After Your Master’s Degree

Graduates of the programme take up positions as second level art teachers in Ireland and across the world, as third level art educators, as school principals and deputy-principals, as museum curators, youth workers, arts officers, artists in residence in primary and secondary schools, independent art education consultants and as researchers in art education.

The priority deadline for applications is 19 February 2025


For information on tuition fees please follow this Link 

There is an application fee of €55.00*

Please note that if accepted onto the programme, you will need to pay a €500 deposit within 10 days in order to secure your place.  Deposits are non-refundable.


Step 1: Click on Apply Now button below | Step 2: Fill in your details

Step 3: Upload your Supporting Documents

  • Please submit the PME Subject Declaration form. Please click here to complete the form.

  • Remember, do not submit your portfolio at the application stage. We will request it later. 

  • You can also submit your application even before you upload the necessary documents. 

  • You will not be able to upload new new documents after you have submitted but any additional documents can be sent to and we will upload them on your behalf. 

Step 4: Pay the application fee & submit your application to NCAD*

  • If you are applying for multiple Postgraduate Programmes then you are only obliged to pay the application fee once.

    • Complete your application as far as the fee payment page

    • Click save + exit

    • Email and let us know you are ready to submit and we will submit the application on your behalf. 

  • NCAD Graduates are not required to pay the application fee. 

    • Complete your application as far as the fee payment page

    • Click save + exit 

    • Email and let us know you are ready to submit and we will submit the application on your behalf. 

Admissions Team 

Please contact the Admissions Team with any questions. You can email us at

Programme Team

Fiona King

Fiona King is a Lecturer in Art and Design Education and coordinator of the Professional Master of Education programme at NCAD. She studied Fine Art Print in Crawford College of Art and Design before training as a teacher at NCAD. She completed a Masters in Visual Art Education (MAVA) in 2010. Her research interests are two fold: firstly, examining how art and design pedagogical processes are multidisciplinary and transferable to the wider education sector; secondly, how Development Education provides the student art teachers with a critical space to investigate how social justice and environmental themes can be taught through the lens of Art and Design in Post Primary Curriculum. Fiona King (as researcher) was part of the Creative Connections European Art and Citizenship project in Ireland, involving 6 European partner countries.