PhD proposal workshop
Support preparing an application for doctoral study - 5pm 4th May 2021
Are you interested in undertaking a doctoral study in the fields of art, design, applied arts or Visual Culture? Do you have a field of interest or a research theme that you'd like to develop into a full proposal and eventually into a successful PhD?
NCAD is hosting an online seminar from 17.00-18.30 on 4th May on how to develop a successful proposal for a research degree.
Alongside research 'by thesis', emphasis will be placed on 'by practice' research, i.e. research in and through art, design and the applied arts; curatorial practice; film making and forms of 'experimental' writing.
The workshop is free and open to all. Anyone can participate, whether they have a research proposal in mind.
To book a place, please click on this link. A unique Zoom link will then be sent to you.
Please note that the deadline for applications for doctoral study to NCAD can be submitted at any time but applications for our Doctoral Scholarships close on 31st May 2021.
See the Postgraduate Study at NCAD pages on our website for further details