NIVAL features prominently at the launch of the Digital Repository of Ireland
Damien English TD, Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation today launched the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) at a major international conference on digital preservation in Croke Park.
The DRI is an online, open digital repository for content from the humanities, social sciences and cultural domains. The Digital Repository of Ireland features beautiful and moving collections, including two significant archives from the National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL): the Kilkenny Design Workshops Archive and the Michael Healy Collection, winner of the Decade of Centenaries Digital Preservation award.
DRI is built by a research consortium of six academic partners working together to deliver the repository, policies, guidelines and training. The partners are: Royal Irish Academy (lead institute), Maynooth University, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, and National College of Art and Design.
Read about the launch here and access the repository online.