NCAD Board Appointed

Minister O’Sullivan has today appointed the following people to serve on the board of the National College of Art and Design.

Ms. Niamh Brennan
Niamh Brennan is the Michael McCormac Professor of Management at UCD and the Academic Director of the UCD Centre for Corporate Governance. She holds qualifications in corporate governance, and has experience of governance through government appointments and membership of numerous boards.

Mr. Blaise Smith
Blaise Smith is an artist and painter, and a graduate of NCAD. He was elected an Associate Member of the Royal Hibernian Academy in 2012.

Ms. Mary Dorgan
Mary Dorgan is the former Assistant CEO of the Health and Safety Authority and is currently a member of the Irish Sports Council and has many years’ experience of board membership and governance.

Ms Karen Furlong
Karen Furlong has 25 years’ experience in strategy development, business transformation, organisation design and change management, and has managed companies through the new Fitness and Probity and Corporate Governance regulatory landscape laid down by the Central Bank.

Mr Ian Power
Ian Power is Executive Director of, Ireland’s youth information website and non-Executive Director of the National Youth Council of Ireland. He has also served on the Board of the National Youth Council.

Professor Mark Rogers
Mark Rogers is acting registrar and Deputy President of UCD.  His appointment to the new Board provides an opportunity to strengthen the strategic cooperation between UCD and NCAD.  Professor Rogers will also strengthen the board’s capacity in terms of his experience and expertise in approaches to student learning.

In addition to these Board members Mr. Oliver Whelan and Ms. Rachel Tuffy have been appointed as academic staff representatives nominated by the academic staff of the NCAD.  Mr. Rian Coulter and Ms. Adrienne Eacrett have been appointed as representatives nominated by the student body.