Kenneth Donfield

Permanent Lecturer
Kenneth Donfield

Kenneth Donfield commenced teaching at the NCAD in 1985 after graduation aged 22 yrs. His specialism in teaching is Portrait Painting and life drawing and painting. His teaching methods are the classical and atelier techniques of drawing and painting. Kenneth has painted many official portraits for the state including an ex Taoiseach, Dr. Michael Smurfit, Dr. Anthony O'Reilly and Professor Noel Claffey of TCD.

Kenneth was awarded the RDS Taylor Scholarship for Painting in 1982, aged 19 yrs. This took him to Florence to study under the renowned portrait painter Professor Pietro Annigoni. Kenneth was also awarded a post graduate scholarship to study Painting at the Art students league of New York 1984-1985.

Kenneth first exhibited in the RHA in 1985 and several other years to date. He has also exhibited in the RUA since 1993, in 1997 he was awarded the RUA Portrait painting prize at the annual exhibition.

Kenneth Donfield was elected to membership of the Dublin Painting and Sketching Club in 2005.

Kenneth Donfield is an elected member of the Ulster Watercolour Society since 2003.

Kenneth Donfield exhibits his Paintings in the Trinity Gallery in Clare Street.

Kenneth continues to send his work in for selection to the RHA annual exhibition each year.

Kenneth Donfield has painted Mr. Michael O'Leary of Ryanair.

Kenneth has also recently painted a Portrait of Grace Gifford in oil on canvas.

Kenneth was inspired to paint Grace as she was such an important person in our history and she also studied at the NCAD.

Kenneth is currently painting 15 Portraits from life of people from the Arts, Business, Academia and Politics for an exhibition in late 2025.