Open Learning Scholarships 2023

The Open Learning Scholarships are part of the PATH 3 Open Learning initiative funded by the Higher Education Authority.

The Open Learning 2023 Scholarships aim to promote accessibility to higher education for under-represented groups. Successful applicants will receive a Scholarship on one of CEAD's Visual Arts Practice modules CEAD1005, CEAD1006, CEAD1007, CEAD1008, CEAD1009 or 1011.
Applications are now closed for 2023-2024. Updated information for 2024-2025 is to follow.
Please see a Full Description of these courses.
Applications will be assessed based on
  • Rationale for seeking a Scholarship
  • Low household income (less than €50,840)
  • Motivation to study at a higher level
  • Career plans
Please note that you will be expected to provide documentation from January 2022 to December 2022 on the following
  • PAYE, Self-Employed or other employment
  • Payments from Department of Social Protection
  • Any other sources of income